Mahale Mountain National Park

Mahale Mountain National Park

Covering an area of approximately 1,000 sq km, bordering Lake Tanganyika, the chimpanzee population is estimated at 1,000, and may be observed in their natural habitat in groups up to 30. Other animals include buffalo, bush pig, elephant, giraffe, leopard, lion, porcupine and antelope.

Mahale National Park is named after Mahale Mountain on the shores of Lake Tanganyika where the park is based. It is a secluded area reached by boats and charter flights only. Being one of the protected areas for chimpanzee, the place is rife with enchantments and magnificence of exceptional safari adventures. Mahale offers a variety of attractions for visitors, from tracking wild habituated chimpanzees, to mountain climbing, snorkeling, fishing, kayaking and relaxing on pristine, white, sandy beaches of Lake Tanganyika.


founder / managing director

Creating tailormade journeys for 10 years
  • Area1,650 km²
  • established1985
  • visitors1,074 per year

facts about mahale mountain

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